Custom Project Management Solution for Johnson & Johnson

How we assisted Johnson & Johnson in streamlining the management of material governance and supplier-related changes


Johnson and Johnson

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United States

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Microsoft WPF, .NET, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript

Best project management solution
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A comprehensive project management tool that would help Johnson and Johnson identify project needs, manage communication with teams, escalate issues, and provide them with features such as project creation, modification, progression tracking and more.

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The team faced numerous issues like manual errors, difficulty in accessing significant information, and inaccurate forecasting of resources and costs. The redundant efforts involved in recording work details and identifying duplicate data affected their productivity.

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The team at J&J Raw Materials and Packaging Materials Center saw an overall productivity gain of 55% within the first quarter of deploying the custom project management solution.

“The application that Fingent developed is excellent and has great visuals. The team explains their process thoroughly, makes changes that are requested promptly, and addresses bugs quickly and professionally.”

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