“In Today’s era of volatility, there is no other way but to re-invent. The only sustainable advantage you can have over others is agility, that’s it. Because nothing else is sustainable, everything else you create, somebody else will replicate.” —   Jeff Bezos, Founder, Amazon.

The world of technology is evolving at a fast pace, with newly emerging advanced applications almost every day. With the significant growth of technology, we can also witness the transition of companies from legacy systems to modern systems. That is what gives your business true agility. 

Application modernization assists companies in eliminating needless operating costs, lowering capital expenditures, and freeing up workers to pursue new initiatives and revenue-generating plans. In this article, we will look at what modernizing your system application looks like and how it can benefit your company’s growth and success.

What Is Application Modernization?

In simple words, it is the practice of updating old software systems, also known as legacy systems, in order to retain the memory data but still benefit from the new framework. It is like renovating a house. Rather than discarding the older system, we can give it a good remodel and enhance its efficiency. 

The global application modernization services market was valued at USD 11838.15 million in 2021 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 14.31% over the forecast period, reaching USD 26405.06 million by 2027. For many businesses, this entails re-programming existing legacy workloads onto current cloud-based platforms or splitting monolithic software into smaller components, such as microservices, and then programming these microservices.

Why Has It Become Essential?

The main and most obvious reason for application modernization is to enhance efficiency, which will in turn give the company a better stand in this immensely competitive industry. Modernizing apps may help businesses take advantage of new technology and streamline processes among other things. 

Remember that there is an unseen cost in trying to make do with legacy software. Outdated software can reduce productivity, stifle expansion, and degrade the customer experience. On the other hand, a strong application modernization plan will also lower the resources needed to run an application, enhance the frequency and dependability of deployments, and improve uptime and resilience.

Top Benefits

Listed below are the top benefits you can experience by modernizing your system software:

1. Improved efficiency: Modernizing applications enables organizations to simplify processes, minimize layoffs, and automate repetitive procedures, resulting in higher productivity and resource utilization. App modernization also helps to maintain a variety of existing procedures, ensuring company continuity. According to IBM, upgrading legacy systems can increase developer productivity by up to 40%.

2. Cost benefits: You will cut expenses, improve dependability, and boost consumer confidence, and also position your organization to seize new possibilities faster. According to Intel, recent research found that when organizations lower their technical debt load by updating their legacy app portfolio, they get immediate savings of 32% of their IT expenditure.

3. Scalability: Modernized applications are often built to be more scalable, making it simpler to handle growing workloads and respond to changes in user demand. This is critical for businesses as they expand and need to support a larger user base or more sophisticated processes.

4. Flexibility: The flexibility of a business goes hand-in-hand with its ability to scale from smaller user bases to larger user bases. It can also be seen from the perspective that with advanced technology as your backbone, your company is more flexible to adaptations, upgrades, and changes in general. Agility is a product of flexibility and the best example for this is how Pinterest grew its user base from 50,000 to 17 million in only nine months by moving its processing and storage to Amazon Web Services.

5. User experience: For any organization, customer experience is the topmost priority. Giving your users what they want and keeping them satisfied is the main goal. Modernized programs frequently have more user-friendly interfaces, enhanced navigation, and responsive design. This improves the user experience and helps to retain consumers, perhaps leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty

6. Integration capabilities: Modernized applications provide for easier integration with other systems and third-party services. This is critical for businesses trying to establish a unified digital environment in which data and processes flow seamlessly between apps and platforms.  As applications migrate to the cloud, the ability to link them to databases and other resources becomes critical in generating cost savings and enhanced creativity.

7. Competitive edge: Ultimately as mentioned above, the main goal is a competitive edge, a winning chance, a head- start in the race. Modernized apps may help businesses remain ahead of the competition by allowing them to offer new features, deliver faster updates, and adapt to market changes more efficiently. By offering unique, quick-to-market applications, your company may better adapt to new market possibilities, increase efficiency, and engage consumers. According to IDC research, companies that engage in modern application development processes get 51% faster time-to-market and 41% more frequent distributions of software than those who do not.

Identifying When Your Company Needs Application Modernization

Identifying when your company’s systems require modernization is critical for staying competitive, increasing productivity, and ensuring long-term success. Here are some significant indicators that it is time to explore application modernization:

  • Performance Problems: Recurrent problems with your applications, including sluggish response times, system failures, or blackouts, may be a sign that they are not able to handle the current workload. 
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Security risks are more likely to affect legacy systems. Your company is vulnerable to data breaches and cyberattacks if your apps do not have the latest security features and upgrades.
  • Lack of flexibility and scalability: Your organization’s growth may be hindered if your present applications are not flexible and scalable enough to meet changing business requirements or rising workloads. In order to adapt to changing requirements, modern applications are made to be more scalable and adaptable.
  • Difficulty in Integration: Data flow and cooperation may be hampered if your applications are difficult to integrate with other systems in your company or with outside partners.
  • Inadequate user experience: A poor user experience can result in customer and staff dissatisfaction.  Your applications could benefit from modernization if they lack features that improve usability or have an outdated user interface.

The Best Strategies For Application Modernization

Application modernization is a complex process that requires severe attention to details. It’s often beneficial to work with a cross-functional team and involve key stakeholders throughout the modernization journey. Here are a few of the best strategies to adopt while modernizing your system software application:

  • Automation Is Key: Modernization teams are frequently stuck with manual methods that do not scale across a complete application estate. Thus, adding intelligent automation, AI, and data science to modernization and developing a repeatable pipeline for refactoring are critical.
  • Define business Goals: An application modernization evaluation begins by defining which business goals the company wants to achieve through modernization. Common corporate motivations driving app modernization include cost savings, performance enhancement, enhanced security, and simplified management.
  • Deep Application Observation: To modernize an existing monolith, deep observation is required in addition to basic static code analysis. This includes deeper domain-driven behavior analysis and continuously tracking dependency interactions.
  • User Training and Change Management: Make investments in these areas to help end users move smoothly. Emphasize the advantages of modernization initiatives and offer assistance throughout the adoption process.
  • Frequent Updating and Maintenance: The process of modernization never ends. To ensure that programs stay up-to-date with changing business requirements and technology changes, schedule frequent upgrades and maintenance.

How Can Fingent Help?

Leveraging app modernization to improve efficiency is a challenging task, but worry not because a competent development solution like Fingent can accomplish it with ease. At Fingent, our team of professionals can implement cutting-edge technology such as cloud-native solutions, artificial intelligence, and machine learning software in your organization. With satisfied customers worldwide, we provide tailored service and support to fit your company’s needs, with the flexibility to scale as needed.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help!

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    About the Author

    Tony Joseph

    Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

    Talk To Our Experts

      As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, soil degradation, and resource scarcity, agricultural organizations find themselves at a critical juncture. The urgency for adopting sustainable farming practices, amplified by the integration of custom software, has never been more pronounced. This blog explores the pivotal role of digital transformation in achieving sustainability, shedding light on why agricultural organizations should embrace this shift.

      Why the Focus on Sustainable Farming?

      The urgency stems from a dual challenge: preserving the environment and securing the economic viability of agricultural operations. Inefficient practices impact the bottom line, making sustainability not just a moral duty but a financial necessity.

      The Impact of Digital Transformation in Agriculture

      Digital transformation, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, and Cloud solutions, represents a seismic shift in farming approaches. The focus isn’t on whether to adopt these technologies but on how fast agricultural organizations can leverage them for sustainable growth.

      To understand why agricultural organizations should embrace digital transformation, let’s consider some use cases.

      1. AI in Agriculture: Precision Farming for Optimal Results

      Use Case: Crop Yield Prediction

      One significant application of AI in agriculture is crop yield prediction. AI algorithms analyze historical weather patterns, soil conditions, and crop health data to forecast optimal planting times and expected yields. For instance, a predictive AI model can take into account variables like temperature, precipitation, and crop health data to help farmers make data-driven decisions, maximizing yield with minimal resource use.

      2. Data Analytics: Informed Decision-Making in Real Time

      Use Case: Soil Health Monitoring

      Data Analytics plays a crucial role in monitoring soil health in real-time. Sensors placed in the soil collect data on moisture levels, nutrient content, and temperature. Data Analytics algorithms process this information, providing farmers with immediate insights into soil conditions. By understanding these factors, farmers can adjust irrigation, fertilizer application, and other practices to optimize crop growth.

      3. Big Data: Navigating Trends for Long-Term Success

      Use Case: Market Trend Analysis

      Big Data is instrumental in analyzing market trends to help farmers make informed decisions about crop selection and pricing. By aggregating and analyzing data from various sources, such as global market trends, consumer preferences, and weather patterns, farmers can strategically plan their crop rotations and adapt to changing market demands.

      4. Cloud: Scalability and Flexibility for Modern Farms

      Use Case: Remote Monitoring and Management

      Cloud solutions enable remote monitoring of farming operations. Farmers can access real-time data on crop conditions, equipment status, and weather patterns from anywhere. This level of accessibility enhances decision-making and allows for timely responses to changing conditions.

      Use Case: Collaborative Farming Platforms

      Cloud-based collaborative platforms facilitate information sharing among farmers. This includes sharing insights on best practices, weather forecasts, and market trends. Such platforms promote collaboration, helping farmers make collective decisions for mutual benefit.

      5. In-Depth Custom Software: Tailored Solutions for Agricultural Challenges

      Elaborating on custom software solutions, let’s explore specific examples of how custom software has been tailored to address challenges in agriculture:

      Example: Crop Management System

      A custom Crop Management System can integrate AI and Data Analytics to provide farmers with comprehensive insights into crop health, soil conditions, and weather forecasts. This solution tailors its algorithms to the specific crops grown on a farm, offering personalized recommendations for irrigation schedules, fertilization, and pest control.

      Example: Supply Chain Optimization Software

      Custom software designed for supply chain optimization in agriculture integrates Big Data analytics. It tracks the entire supply chain, from harvest to distribution, optimizing routes, storage conditions, and inventory management. This ensures that produce reaches its destination in optimal condition, reducing waste and maximizing profitability.

      Read Case Study: How Fingent helped a leading hydroponic farming company in the US transform its data management, tracking, and operational capabilities through customized technology.

      Bright Farms CS

      Challenges in Leveraging Technologies in Farming Processes

      Although the decision to implement technology in the farming process seems like a no-brainer, there have been a few challenges on the way. 

      1. Complex Procedures: Navigating the Intricacies

      The adoption of technology in farming processes is not a simple plug-and-play endeavor. Farming operations are intricate and interconnected. Addressing these complexities requires a strategic approach that acknowledges the nuances of each operation.

      2. Legacy Systems: Breaking Free from the Past

      Many agricultural operations are shackled by legacy systems that were implemented in a different era. These systems, while once effective, now hinder the integration of modern digital solutions. Overcoming this challenge involves strategic investments in upgrading or replacing outdated infrastructure.

      3. Staff Onboarding: Bridging the Knowledge Gap

      The success of digital transformation hinges on the people behind the technology. Onboarding staff with new technology presents a unique set of challenges, from upskilling the existing workforce to recruiting new talent. A comprehensive training strategy is essential to ensure that the human element seamlessly integrates with the digital landscape.

      As the farming industry stands at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, the role of custom software becomes increasingly pivotal. So, let us explore how custom software serves as the linchpin in driving the right digital transformation for agriculture.

      Custom Software: Tailoring Innovation to Agricultural Realities

      Custom software addresses the complexities of modern farming, offering tailored solutions that off-the-shelf options often lack. It eases the digital transformation journey, ensuring a seamless integration of technology into existing processes. Here are some ways in which challenges can be addressed:

      • Addressing Procedural Complexity: Custom software streamlines intricate procedures without disrupting established workflows, ensuring a seamless integration of new technologies.
      • Compatibility with Legacy Systems: Designed to coexist with legacy systems, custom software serves as a strategic bridge, preventing the need for a costly infrastructure overhaul.
      • Staff Empowerment through Training Solutions: Custom software includes comprehensive training modules, empowering staff to leverage the full potential of new technologies.

      How Can Fingent Help?

      At Fingent, we understand that the path to sustainable and efficient farming is paved with innovative, custom solutions. Our expertise extends across three crucial phases of the digital transformation journey: discovery, development, and implementation.

      • Discovery Phase: Fingent collaborates closely with agricultural businesses to identify opportunities for digital transformation. Through meticulous analysis, we uncover areas for improvement in resource management, data utilization, and operational efficiency.
      • Development Phase: Armed with insights, our seasoned developers craft custom software solutions designed to address the unique challenges of each farm. From precision farming tools to supply chain management systems, our goal is to optimize operations and enhance overall efficiency.
      • Implementation with 24/7 Backup: The journey doesn’t end with software development. Fingent provides robust implementation support with 24/7 backup, ensuring a smooth transition into the digital landscape. Our commitment is to minimize disruptions and maximize the benefits of sustainable farming practices.

      A Greener Tomorrow, Powered by Digital Innovation

      In the journey towards a sustainable future for farming, digital transformation is paramount. Custom software is the linchpin, simplifying complexities and seamlessly integrating technology into agricultural operations. At Fingent, we stand ready to be your dedicated partner, discovering opportunities, crafting tailored solutions, and offering unwavering support. With the right custom software, your farm can lead the way to a greener tomorrow.

      Give us a call, and let’s get talking. 

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        About the Author

        Tony Joseph

        Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

        Talk To Our Experts

          “In the digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?” – Al Gore

          The internet is a great big place with infinite doorways. It continuously upgrades, and with these upgrades come a lot of benefits, although sometimes risks may need to be taken. Open Source is one of the many great developments in computer technology.

          Open source is quite literally everywhere. It surges with immense power and serves as a strong foundation for most commercial codebases. It is intricately intertwined with modern developments to such an extent that code owners are often ignorant of the open-source components in their own software.

          In this article, we will briefly examine what Open Source is, its potential problems, how to solve these problems, and some best practices to follow when developing open-source software.

          So buckle up; it’s quite a journey!

          What Is Open Source?

          Open Source software, in simple words, is software that is developed and maintained through open collaboration, transparency, and public updates. It is made available, usually at no cost, for anyone to access, examine, edit, and redistribute however they like.

          Open source is widely exploited by many developers and software creators worldwide for its numerous benefits. An entire generation of open-source tools is said to have been developed and used today by software developers. They use open source to enhance their creation and troubleshoot issues with a comfortable sense of security and at a very low cost.

          Although open source is famous for sparing companies the extravagant licensing cost, it can inflict other slightly less jarring costs such as network integration, end-user support, and IT support. These services are generally included with proprietary software.

          Despite this minor shortcoming, most companies prefer open-source software as they consider it as reliable and secure as proprietary software and feel more at home with open-source solutions. This sense of control and belonging could be because, with open source solutions, developers can inspect the program code and understand exactly what they are affixing to their computing infrastructure.

          Read more: Is Open Source The Crucial Catalyst For Your Digital Transformation?

          Open Source

          Potential Problems With Open-Source Software

          As we’ve already seen above, Open Source can be a highly useful tool in software development, but due to its easily accessible nature, it tends to incur a few risks. Two of these risks are discussed in short below:

          1. Long-term Sustainability

          Sustainability in terms of software refers to the ability of a software program to be designed, developed, and implemented with a limited energy consumption rate and have the least amount of impact on the environment.

          A recent article by Taylor & Francis Online stated that there are three distinct types of sustainability: Resource-based, interactional, and infrastructural. Resource-based sustainability refers to the ability of Open Source components to lure resources such as developers and high-value assets such as knowledge. Interactional sustainability deals with relationships that are created and sustained in open source. Finally, infrastructural sustainability, as the name suggests, deals with the infrastructure that is required for any work to be carried out.

          2. Software Security

          It is evident from all we have seen so far that security risks are prevalent in Open Source Software, and collaborating with these solutions can pose certain risks that require the company to be mindful. The use of open source software libraries has taken the world by storm and significantly impacted software security across various industries.

          The 2023 report on Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA), published by Synopsys, stated that the fraction of open source codebases with security vulnerabilities has consistently stayed relatively stable over the past two years.

          The report also warned that considering how open source software is available as-is without any warranties, any risk that may occur solely falls on the shoulders of the user. This in turn makes the selection, security, and maintenance of Open Source Libraries the top priority in the software supply chain’s security.

          Risk Management

          Every form of growth in a company inevitably comes with its fair share of risks. These risks should not faze a business owner. Facing them head-on is the best solution; taking as many preventive steps as possible beforehand will help. Listed below are a few ways through which you can protect your organization and keep it locked and loaded:

          1. Rely On Reputable Sources:

          It is of the utmost importance that you use reputable sources when trying to download and access open-source software. This simple step will help ensure that the software you use is of good quality and has been appropriately examined and tested.

          2. Ensure To Track The Licenses:

          Keep a consistent track of the licenses associated with the open-source software you download and use. Doing so will ensure that you are not breaking any laws without your knowledge and are complying with the terms of the license.

          3. Create An Open Source Policy:

          Draft a crystal clear Open Source Policy to ensure that your company or organization is using the downloaded Open Source Software with diligence and is mindful of its sustainability.

          4. Compatibility With Your Company:

          This is a surprisingly underestimated risk management strategy. Always ensure that the Open Source Software you choose to implement meets your company’s needs and is aligned with your use case. This step involves examining the source code, software testing, and all relevant documentation.

          5. Consider Using Assistant Tools To Help With The Process:

          It is always wise to know when to ask for and when to accept help. There are many tools across the internet that can make the daunting process of tracking and managing open-source licenses easy. Use them. These tools can help decrease the chances of risk and can even foolproof your software.

          6. Keep Up With The Trends:

          In a world that is as fast-moving as ours, it would be foolish not to stay up-to-date with any new trends in the field of Open Source Software. Actively seek out these latest advancements in the open-source software world and how to implement them in your organization. Subscribing to relevant newsletters, following related blogs and social media accounts, and attending industry events can help you here.

          7. Use Effective Integration Tools:

          As mentioned earlier, using tools to help guide you through the process is solid advice, but the tools you use should also be effective. DevSec teams offer products and services that foster collaboration between DevOps and SecOps teams. These teams are highly reputable and widely used across the world. These teams can help you integrate security in your open-source software deftly from the very start.

          Read more: How to ensure safe use of open source libraries.

          Mitigate Risks and Leverage Strengths with the Right Partner

          As is the case with many technological developments, Open Source has its fair share of benefits and risks too. It is cardinal to carefully analyze the security of Open Source Software before implementing it. Security should be the top priority of any company, and it should not be compromised at any cost.

          Although Open Source Software may not be subjected to the same level of security testing as proprietary software, the entire process must not be neglected. Always remember that whatever risk is posed by these programs, careful planning and management can help you sail smoothly in heavy storms. Make a note to understand the risks and take wise precautions properly. This will help you incorporate and maintain strong security.

          Fingent has worked with clients worldwide to build custom software solutions for them by leveraging several open source software development kits. Our experts know how to mitigate the risks and use the strengths of these software to create solutions that will catapult your business way ahead of the competition.

          Give us a call, and let’s get to the details.

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            About the Author

            Tony Joseph

            Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

            Talk To Our Experts

              The world of technology keeps evolving and waits for no one, so it is our responsibility to keep up with it rather than fall behind. The healthcare industry has for a long time been using software development systems to monitor and ease work-lifestyles; now it is time to customize this software to make them function and run exactly the way you need it to. Custom software development has made life and business significantly easier for innumerable industries and is poised to revolutionize the Healthcare Industry as well. This article will tell you all you need to know about it.

              Importance Of Healthcare Software Development  

              Healthcare software systems provide innumerable benefits to hospital management, from improved productivity to reduced medication errors. It streamlines the workflow, enhances data quality, drastically reduces errors, and boosts patient experiences. Rising technological advancements also help with hospital administration and operations. 

              Benefits Of Customized Healthcare Software Development 

              The overall benefit of using customized healthcare software is overall progress and betterment. This should be reason enough to convince anyone to adopt custom healthcare software but if it is not, listed below are a few of the other benefits of this type of software development:

              • Increased security – Thanks to the inculcation of software in healthcare, hospitals are now sending, storing, and retrieving data through the web. Custom software solutions will guarantee the safety of this personal medical data. 
              • User-friendly experience – The target audience’s desired product is taken into consideration by software designers and user interface designers. Software designers can also consider specific aspects of an application to make it more alluring and interactive. 
              • Customizable features – Customization is the buzzword right now, and custom software provides it like no other. Customer feedback is prioritized, and the generated product is more streamlined and efficient. Customized software will handle specific problems, and this aspect makes it attracts and brings in more loyal customers or patients. 
              • Quality of diagnostics – Technology is well known for its brilliance in efficiency. Diagnostics run by a customized software solution have proven to have outstanding quality and accuracy because these solutions imbibe knowledge from innumerable sources and compare results faster. Hence, healthcare providers can proffer improved healthcare if they rely on custom software solutions. 

              Read more: How Can Custom-Made Software Provide Superior Customer Service In The Healthcare Industry?


              Understanding Healthcare Software Development 

              Healthcare software development is the creation of any software for the healthcare sector to facilitate hospitals and improve equipment management. It also helps with administering electronic records, managing health records, providing diagnoses and treatments, improving patient care, and reducing costs. 

              Healthcare software development plays an important role in everyone’s life. For doctors – it reduces paperwork and increases collaboration with other specialists. For patients – it enhances patient outreach, improves healthcare quality, and eases access to medical data. Lastly, it improves medical business management and streamlines management processes for organizations. 

              Healthcare organizations, just like any other organization, have their own set of challenges that cripple them. Custom Software can address most of these challenges and fix them. 

              • Cyberthreats – The skyrocketing rate of cyber security attacks threatens to endanger the personal medical data of patients and, ultimately, the reputation of a healthcare center. Custom Software can fix this with its exceptional security firewalls and customized cyber security.
              • Patient Experience – When patients experience favorable care, they are more likely to heed medical advice and this is essential for better healthcare outcomes, boosting patient retention rates and lowering malpractice risk. Custom software can help here, too by enhancing the user experience and user interface by creating more interactive, customized, and enticing products. 

              Key Considerations for Healthcare Software Development

              Now that we have established the importance of custom healthcare software development, here are some key considerations:

              1. Compliance And Security – 

              Medical records are very sensitive data, and it is the responsibility of the healthcare facility to protect them carefully. Abiding by the international security laws of HIPAA, PCI, and IOS is a must, along with deft investments in specialized medical data security. Ensure that your partner conducts adequate software checkups to detect any potential vulnerability.

              2. User-Centred Design – 

              Customized healthcare software’s main target is its audience, so focusing on their comfort or ease is a top priority. Inclusivity of all kinds, from senior users to less literate users, is a crucial thing to keep in mind when designing an interface for the organization. Properly incorporated user-centered designs are vital for an intuitive and efficient workflow. Software Designers usually build a simple and easy-to-use user interface (UI) and a user experience (UX). 

              3. Interoperability and Integration – 

              Interoperability, in simple words, is the ability of a software or system to work compatibly with other products and systems. It helps facilitate organized and effective data exchange between data systems. To avoid complications with regard to personalized information or reports of customers while sharing data between systems, especially when introducing new versions of the same software to different platforms, efficient interoperability is important. 

              4. Scalability and Flexibility – 

              Scalability and flexibility are other critical considerations to remember. It is imperative to design a product capable of scaling up as your healthcare organization grows. Ensuring that your customized software developed is flexible and can change and segue according to wavering customer demands. 

              5. Data Analytics and Insights – 

              Data analytics is essentially the process of studying raw data in order to determine trends and enable enhanced decision-making.  This transformation of data done by custom software into insights can drastically leverage data to enhance decision-making, patient outcomes, and overall operational efficiency.

              Read more: AI in Healthcare – Know what’s trending and what’s upcoming!

              Steps in Custom Healthcare Software Development

              Let’s now get into the development itself. Here are some steps to ensure that the development goes smoothly and provides the best outcomes: 

              1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis – 

              It is always best to make a detailed analysis of your organization, its needs, and budgets before diving into a custom software development project. Consult well-versed software designers and healthcare professionals, jot the requirement details, and communicate with your team members to obtain an unbiased perspective.

              2. Design and Development – 

              In this step, the analysis generated is used as input and software infrastructure for implementing software development. Software developers first draw a synopsis of the details for the application, including specific aspects such as User interfaces, System interfaces, Network and Network Requirements, and Databases. 

              Following close behind the design stage is the development stage. It is the stage where coding starts and all components of the software are implemented. The use of agile methodologies and interactive interfaces to improve user satisfaction, flexibility, and feedback incorporation is crucial during this phase of development. 

              3. Quality Assurance And Testing – 

              The testing period begins at the end of the coding stage. Here the modules are circulated for testing. Although testing may not seem like a necessary step, skipping it will ultimately result in the downfall of software. The developed software should be tested thoroughly, and developers fix any vulnerability discovered. There are various tests that need to be conducted after coding of software; these include – functional, usability, and security testing. 

              4. Deployment and Training – 

              After the product has been sufficiently tested, the software is deployed into the market or organization scheme. In the case of UAT (User Acceptance Testing), a production environment is created, and the customer, along with the developers, partakes in the testing. 

              Case Studies

              Fingent has been a leader in custom software development for the healthcare sector and has created unmatched solutions for its clients. Here are a few examples:

              A Data Analytics Solution for NHS: With the wide range of hospitals under its governance, the NHS required a data visualization tool that would help them compare healthcare performances across the hospitals and showcase the best ones. Fingent helped develop a solution that was customized to the NHS’s specific needs and designed an application with interactive visuals and real-time access to insights. 

              Fingent’s portfolio includes top-notch solutions like this, including an online engagement platform for NovitaCare and a patient care solution to promote effective communication in the healthcare ecosystem. Working with clients globally, Fingent has been able to have a direct impact on simplified patient care, operational efficiency, and cost savings for healthcare providers. 

              Future Trends In Healthcare Software Development 

              The future evidently holds great plans for healthcare software. We have only skimmed over the uses and possibilities that technology has introduced to healthcare; there are so many more possibilities.  

              1. AI in Healthcare

              Artificial Intelligence is the most beneficial factor of technology for the healthcare industry. It can effortlessly mimic human cognition in analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating complex medical data. AI can perform data analysis through the healthcare system and can be widely used to predict patient admissions and improve clinical workflows. 

              2. IoT in Healthcare

              IoT (Internet of Things) has the potential to enable healthcare professionals to supervise their patients more accurately. It can equip healthcare workers and professionals with the tools to deliver excellent care and treatment to patients. Exploiting this technology and several tech-powered wearables that enable real-time tracking, end-to-end connectivity, and remote monitoring are some of the other areas that IoT will assist.


              Healthcare Software Development benefits institution staff, patients, and administrators. Although it might seem quite diverse and may come across as a daunting task, with the right partner on your side your journey will be successful. 

              Look for a partner in Fingent, and we will help you navigate the complexities and compliances that come with the development of healthcare software solutions.

              Reach out to us today, and let’s get talking. 

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                About the Author

                Vinod Saratchandran

                Vinod has conceptualized and delivered niche mobility products that cater to various domains including logistics, media & non-profits. He leads, mentors & coaches a team of Project Coordinators & Analysts at Fingent.

                Talk To Our Experts

                  The right software can serve as a growth catalyst for your business. A robust software solution can empower your team to work more efficiently, better serve your clients, and optimize business performance.

                  But when searching for these software solutions for your business, you’ll have to make many different decisions along the way. One of the very first choices you’ll encounter is whether you want to buy off-the-shelf software or build a custom solution.

                  Either route can help your organization modernize its processes, improve efficiency, and scale effectively. Which approach will produce optimal results for your organization in the short and long term is still a question.

                  Because your decision will significantly impact your business for years to come, it’s critical that you get it right.

                  With that in mind, join us as we crack the code to smart software selection decision-making by exploring the pros and cons of building and buying software.

                  Read more: Why Should Your Business Invest In An End-to-End Software Solution?

                  End-To-End Custom Software Solution

                  The Build or Buy Conundrum

                  The buy option is relatively straightforward: You select software that aligns with your organization’s needs, purchase a license, and deploy the technology. When evaluating your options, you will encounter purpose-built solutions for your industry and more generalized options, like basic accounting software.

                  Conversely, custom-built software for your organization will include specific tools you need — without superfluous features that distract users and get in the way of critical business functions. It’s important to understand that you won’t be building the software unless you have an in-house team of highly experienced software engineers. Instead, you will need to partner with a talented software development firm.

                  Pros and Cons of Buying Software

                  Before providing a decision-making roadmap, it’s crucial to outline the pros and cons of each option.

                  The primary benefit of buying pre-built software is that it is already deployment-ready. As such, you can easily purchase the software and begin implementing it almost immediately. You’ll also be able to demo the product before you buy, giving you an idea of precisely what to expect. This expedited timetable is particularly appealing if your business’ current technology suite cannot keep up with your present needs.

                  However, some notable drawbacks exist to buying software instead of taking the custom route. First and foremost, off-the-shelf software is less likely to align perfectly with your company’s needs. After all, off-the-shelf software is designed to appeal to as broad an audience as possible, and naturally, it will include some features you don’t need. Evaluating software can be time-consuming, and applications of any complexity may be impossible to assess fully in a reasonable amount of time.

                  In addition, pre-built software typically has recurring license and maintenance costs that need to be considered and may change over time. There is also the risk that vendors of pre-built software may stop offering that edition or software or go out of business entirely. Pre-built software may depend upon older technologies that are no longer “leading edge,” which can lead to long-term viability concerns.

                  For some software categories, you may only be able even to consider a few contenders, or what you find may lack some tools or capabilities your business is looking for.

                  Read more: Choosing between Custom Software Solution and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Product!

                  Advantages and Drawbacks of Building Custom Software

                  Custom software is tailored to help your business meet its organizational goals and overcome its most significant growth hurdles. Every feature, tool, and capability of custom software is purpose-built for your business. As such, it can significantly impact your business more than an off-the-shelf alternative.

                  The two potential downsides to custom software are cost and the deployment timetable. When there is an off-the-shelf alternative, building custom software will typically require a larger upfront investment, but you will have more control over the software. That means you can change your schedule without being tied to the vendor’s schedule or priorities. If the custom software meets important business requirements, you can expect a strong return on investment.

                  It’s important to remember that developing and deploying a custom-built software solution will take slightly longer. Fortunately, you can streamline the build process by partnering with a highly experienced software development firm.

                  How to Determine Which Option Fits Best for Your Business

                  As you prepare to weigh your best opportunities with each approach, you can streamline your decision-making process with a refined approach.

                  1. List Your Organizational Goals and Needs

                  When choosing to buy or build, the most critical question you need to ask yourself is: What do you hope to accomplish with your new technology?

                  Create a list of goals, objectives, and needs. In addition to providing more internal clarity, you can use this list to compare products during your search. If no single off-the-shelf solution meets your needs, it may be more pragmatic to build custom software. However, if you need the solution sooner rather than later.

                  2. Analyze the Current Ecosystem

                  Once you have created your list of goals and objectives, you can start analyzing the current ecosystem. Businesses operating in specific sectors — such as the healthcare industry — will have dozens of options when searching for off-the-shelf software solutions. As such, it is much more likely that a healthcare organization will be able to find a readily available solution that meets its needs when compared to a more niche sector.

                  Even if you are already leaning toward building a custom solution, you should consider what options are available for your industry. Explore all known choices to see how these solutions align with your needs and goals. This tactic can also provide you with ideas to put on a must-have list for your custom software partner.

                  3. Calculate the Potential ROI of Each Option

                  While you must regard the upfront costs associated with buying vs. building software, calculating the potential long-term ROI of each option will be more useful for guiding your decision-making process. Start calculating ROI by assessing the likely cost-savings and additional profits that can be expected once the new software is in place. While this impact can often be difficult to predict fully, it may be easier to consider how large the impact would need to be to recover the cost of the investment — the break-even point.

                  Building a custom solution will cost more on the front end, but this higher initial investment can yield a significant return over the software’s lifecycle. Conversely, going with a cheaper option could solve today’s business challenges, but you may quickly outgrow that software’s capabilities and find yourself looking to upgrade again in the near future.

                  Read more: When does your Business need Custom Software Solution – Evaluate Now!

                  custom software development

                  Making Your Final Decision 

                  Whether you buy a readily available option or want to leverage the power of custom-built software, you will need an experienced technology partner to oversee your deployment. Fingent is that partner.

                  Our team of technology experts specializes in building dynamic, custom software solutions for our diverse array of clients. We can also assist with deploying solutions from Microsoft, SAP, and other leading technology development companies.

                  To learn more about our deployment and development services, contact Fingent today.

                  Stay up to date on what's new

                    About the Author

                    Tony Joseph

                    Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

                    Talk To Our Experts

                      To build or to buy has been a million-dollar question most businesses seek an answer for. This can become more daunting when you consider the numerous factors influencing the decision. To make it less overwhelming, we will discuss factors and tips to help business leaders make informed decisions. This blog also explains the right process to follow once the decision is made.

                      Build Or Buy: Should You Buy Software or Build It?

                      Several factors must be analyzed when deciding to buy or build software internally. Here is an analysis of four key points that can help business leaders to make an informed decision that will impact their business growth:

                      • What is the scope of the problem that you are attempting to solve?
                      • How complex does the software solution need to fit your business?
                      • Can the organization leverage exist experts, or will you need to hire more?
                      • How quickly does the organization need the software?

                      It is good to remember that there are no one-size-fits for all in this regard. Analyzing these questions will help businesses zero in on one of the two options. Please read on to find out top tips to help companies identify which of these two is most suitable for their business.

                      Top Considerations for Companies to Help Recognize Build vs Buy

                      Deciding to buy or build custom software is not as easy as flipping a coin. Here are the top considerations that will increase the odds of making the right decision:

                      • Problem – Businesses must give thought to the problem at hand. Is it attempting to solve a common problem or specific to the company alone?
                      • Funds – Can the company have dedicated funds to host and maintain the software solution, including upfront costs?
                      • Time – Consider how time-intensive the problem at hand is. Is it just a nagging annoyance or a serious health threat to the company’s survival?
                      • Strengths and Weaknesses – Analyzing a business’s strengths and weaknesses will help companies choose whether to build or buy. Can the business withstand the risks that may surface with technical debts, quality concerns, opportunity costs, and more?
                      • Quality – Consider if you can fully focus business efforts on solving this problem without compromising quality.
                      • Surface-Level Risks – Before buying or in the future with a trial, demo, or quote, reviewing the surface-level risks of buying versus building software is important.
                      • Data – For certain companies, their data is vital to their competitive advantage. In such cases, it is crucial to consider how the third party may your proprietary data. Consider if there is the possibility of losing access or oversight to customer data or other critical business insights.
                      • Security – Ensure the company’s accounts are not compromised by finding out if the third party can be trusted and if they use cybersecurity best practices.
                      • Vendor Reliability – Consider if the third-party vendor is reliable. Does it have the ability to weather a market downturn or other external factors that may impact the business?

                      Read more: When Does Your Business Need Custom Software Development Solution – Evaluate Now!

                      custom software development

                      If a company decides to build custom software after all these considerations, it is vital that they follow the right process for the successful development of software.

                      What is The Right Process If You Decide to Build?

                      Building custom software might be the perfect solution for your business and building it the right way is key to its success. Usually, it is developed by a third party or in-house developers. Custom solutions ensure features and functionality with the company’s needs in mind. As a result, businesses enjoy increased productivity and growth.

                      To get started, here is the right process companies can follow:

                      1. Define your organizational needs

                      First, determine the current business process, expectations, and verifiable success. Talking to experts, finding out why the changes are necessary, and sketching out the workflows will help ensure a smooth project management process.

                      2. Resist the temptation to keep everything in-house

                      It may be tempting to handle all processes in-house to save money. However, working with your own IT team could cause a slowdown in the company operations as they already have their daily work. Here, outsourcing certain tasks makes the most sense. Consider working with a vendor with a verifiable track record in building custom software for other companies.

                      3. Be practical

                      To keep the project on track, create a realistic plan together with all involved in the project. This will allow companies to set specific deadlines. Knowing the timeline will help in allocating funds when required.

                      4. Test and test

                      Before implementing the new custom software, it must go through two levels of test. One is technical testing by IT professionals and developers to ensure all elements are working. The second is user testing to see if the software works as intended.

                      5. Document each stage

                      Documentation must include the team members’ details, roles and responsibilities, deadlines, and expectations for the project. It must also include a test plan, checklist, scope statement, training plan, implementation plans, and detailed user documentation.

                      Top 5 Trends in Custom Software Development Today to Look Out For

                      The custom software market is growing exponentially. Some software development trends stand out. These trends are influenced by the need for businesses to leverage advancing technology.

                      • Cloud technology: The pandemic shut the door on data on-site and opened the door to cloud technology. Developing cloud-native applications will likely continue as many companies still use remote work setups.
                      • Internet of Behavior: The Internet of Behavior, or IoB, studies customer behavior through the data gathered from various devices. This data allows businesses to understand how to improve the quality of their products and services.
                      • Blockchain: Blockchain is used in businesses to track records without worrying about discrepancies.
                      • Low-code and No-code development tools: Workers can create programs and sites even if they lack coding knowledge. According to research, by 2024, 65% of software projects will be done through low-code or no-code development.
                      • Software integration: Software integration can provide a seamless user experience. Additionally, it helps the company save time and increase productivity.

                      Read more: Low Code/No Code Development with SAP BTP: How It Is Turning the Future of Enterprise Resilience

                      Low code/No code

                      Build For the Future

                      Building custom software allows organizations to use technology that addresses their unique needs. Following the right process can ensure they are implemented in a way that supports and advances business growth.

                      Custom software development is our forte, and we have been able to help many clients get exactly what they need from their software.

                      Give us a call, and let’s discuss what we can do for your business.

                      Stay up to date on what's new

                        About the Author

                        Tony Joseph

                        Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

                        Talk To Our Experts

                          Modernization is a desire to stay relevant and grow. App modernization does just that for businesses. It enables them to stay relevant and grow. In line with that, organizations worldwide are scrambling toward digital transformation. How does that benefit businesses?

                          App modernization or updating older software for newer computing approaches extends the lifespan of an organization’s applications while allowing it to take advantage of technical innovations. It is like renovating an old house to improve efficiency, safety, structural integrity, and more.

                          However, there have been occasions when the app modernization project has failed. This has been a concern to most business owners considering digital transformation. Are you one of them? If so, through this blog, you can learn why and how to avoid app modernization failure.

                          First things first. Does your company need app modernization? If so, why?

                          Why Your Company Needs App Modernization

                          Apart from what we discussed earlier in this blog, app modernization integrates new features to keep up with the latest business requirements. Even so, many business leaders wonder if their business needs app modernization. Here is a list of specific reasons for you to consider:

                          • It allows you to create new features and services that align with your current business needs and goals. In addition, you can personalize these features to ensure long-term value creation.
                          • Educating new and older employees becomes easier as app modernization can automate tedious and repetitive processes.
                          • App modernization helps you leverage the benefits of the cloud environment, allowing you to provide fast and efficient customer service.
                          • Cloud-native applications offer top-notch security features as compared to legacy applications.
                          • App modernization allows you to add newer features, services, and functions. These, in turn, increase customer satisfaction leading to increased revenue.

                          Why, then, does app modernization backfire at times? And how can you ensure the success of the project?

                          Read more: Why modernize your legacy systems? What’s the best approach to legacy systems modernization?

                          Legacy system modernization

                          Why Some App Modernization Projects Fail

                          When an app modernization project fails, it may pose serious problems for your business, including wasted resources and time. Failed app modernization may hinder agility and keep your business from capitalizing on modern technology. It was noted that an alarming 79% of app modernization projects still fail. Why? Surprisingly, the failure is not due to the new system or methodology, nor caused by the modernization vendor. The reasons are much deeper. Here are the top 5 reasons why app modernization projects fail:

                          1. Ignoring the business process

                          Modernization efforts fail when the business process (accounting, inventory, finance) is poor, and a business tries to correct it with new systems. That will never work. Businesses must first understand what is slowing them down. Determining the problem is the right foundation for successful app modernization.

                          2. Implementing new systems without considering drastic business changes

                          When entirely new systems are implemented without considering the drastic business changes, the employees are forced to adapt quickly. In addition, such practice forces the business to evolve to fit the new software. Instead, the software must adapt to fit the current business process and requirements.

                          3. Businesses mistakenly assume that they are ready for a complete revamp

                          Most businesses believe that they are ready to replace the old system with new systems, and the business will run better. Now that is a huge mistake. Completely replacing all systems can send your business and your employees into shock. It may even change how customers interact with the business. A better approach is to modernize in calculated steps.

                          4. Failing to adopt an agile software

                          The pandemic helped us see that agility is king. Adopting inflexible applications can have disastrous consequences on your business. If you want to be future-ready, replace rigid applications with agile applications.

                          5. Failing to consult the end user

                          Modernization projects that do not involve the IT department and the end user fail as they do not consider how the new solution fits business needs.

                          Read more: Advancing Business Software Development With Cloud Native

                          The Secret to A Successful App Modernization Project Journey

                          Every business that embarks on a modernization project journey faces many challenges. The success of your app modernization efforts comes down to two key components: your IT team and your employees. As teams go through this journey, use these secrets to avoid failure and ensure success.

                          Secret 1.  Build a cross-functional team

                          When choosing a team or developing an innovation group, build a cross-functional team that can focus on developing the culture, process, and tools needed to improve the modernization process.

                          Secret 2.  Toss it, sort it, and commit to it

                          An effective business principle is to welcome all ideas and sort them, but when a decision is reached, you must commit to it and execute that above all else. Doing so will ensure the progress of the project.

                          Secret 3. Map out the development workflow

                          Mapping out a development workflow can help you when you encounter complexities in the project. It helps you look at every tool being used and identify dependencies.  

                          Secret 4.  Set milestones 

                          Projects may change. Setting small modernization goals will help you adjust your long-term plans and reduce engineering risk. Focus on many small steps when planning for a major milestone. Doing so will ensure smooth progress from one step to another.

                          Secret 5.  Prioritize data into categories

                          If you prioritize data into high, moderate, or low categories, you can decide what safeguards to have for each category.

                          Secret 6.  Do not sew a new cloth on an old cloak

                          Take a hard look at your development workflow and identify habits that could derail your app modernization process. Don’t just patch up old problems with a new tool. Remember, these problems can derail new tools, so don’t patch, fix.

                          Secret 7.  Keep your team in the loop

                          Your team may find it challenging to develop the knowledge they need to work on the new tools. Keeping them informed about the new tools and training them to navigate new workflows can ensure the success of application modernization.

                          Several aspects may factor into a successful modernization. That is why modernization endeavors are so challenging. However, implementing the above secrets can help the success of app modernization efforts.

                          Speaking to an expert can help you understand how to proceed with your app modernization needs. Why not reach out to us at Fingent and discuss your project with our software development experts?

                          Stay up to date on what's new

                            About the Author

                            Tony Joseph

                            Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

                            Talk To Our Experts

                              Customer Experience – Two words that could make or break your business.

                              Today, customers expect businesses to provide nothing short of an excellent customer experience whenever and however they shop. This is going to be the main differentiator between you and your competitors. The race to own customer experience is on!

                              Some businesses are learning this the hard way, but you don’t have to. The solution is right here – Technology. Through this article, we want to help you understand how technology can improve customer experience. We will also discuss top technology trends to help your brand beat the competition.

                              But first, let us explain why customer experience matters.

                              Does Customer Experience Matter?

                              Did you know that 66% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations?

                              Gone are the days when an unhappy customer used to complain directly to the brand. Today, they choose to complain to the rest of the world through social channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more. Creating a powerful and memorable customer experience is more complicated than ever in such a scenario.

                              While that is true, it is also true that these customers share positive customer experiences on these platforms as well. 71% of customers recommend a product or service just because they received a “great” customer experience.

                              As a brand, you may define your brand’s promises. However, the customer decides whether or not your brand delivers on its promises. According to market research by Gartner, customer experience drives over 60% of brand loyalty.

                              To satisfy customers, most businesses hire and train good people. But that is not sufficient. They need tools that will help them deliver a top-notch customer experience and make them want to come back to you. Using technology for customer experience can build your brand through satisfied customers.

                              That takes us to the next intriguing question: How does technology improve customer experience?

                              How Does Technology Improve Customer Experience?

                              Technology for customer experience gives customers unlimited access to information, allowing them to demand products and services whenever they want. As the speed of technology to enhance customer experience accelerates, businesses must evolve quickly. Brands that use technology to enhance customer experience will thrive, but you can be sure that those that are slow to react will not survive.

                              Here are three key ways in which technology enhances customer experience:

                              1. Increased opportunities 

                              Using smartphones, customers can research products, raise queries, and purchase products or services no matter where they are and what they are doing. A study revealed that consumers in the UK spend over 22.8 billion pounds per year on online shopping while using public transport.

                              With consumers becoming hyper-connected, businesses need to leverage increasing opportunities to engage new and existing customers. Technology can help companies integrate all marketing channels to deliver a cohesive customer experience irrespective of their channel. Technology can help you use customer data effectively to deliver seamless experiences.

                              2. Reach every audience segment

                              According to a Google report, 90% of online shoppers use more than one device to shop. A shopper may use one device to search for a product and another to check the pricing and complete the purchase.

                              Businesses need to be available with the right messaging at the right time. Technology for customer experience will help you reach your customers on any device. Technology can enable you to provide contextually relevant experiences that engage customers in the right place, at the right time, and with the right message.

                              3. Communicate better

                              Most customers switch brands because the purchasing process is too difficult. Technology offers solutions to reach customer demands. AI-powered chatbots enable your brand to communicate better with your customers.

                              Since chatbots provide detailed records of conversations with customers, you can use that data to analyze to reveal insights on consumer pain points. You can use these insights to improve products and services.

                              Top Technology Trends That Improve Customer Experience

                              1. AI chatbot

                              AI chatbot is restructuring the way brands communicate with their customers. These conversational AI chatbots are responsible for creating a personalized customer experience, making sentiment analyses, and more. Consider a use case:

                              Fingent helped one of the oldest state universities to develop an AI-driven ecosystem that allows students to interact with an AI chatbot (teaching assistant). These are built to be trained and allow instructors to upload the content that students need. These chatbots can manage student queries and allow for keyword and tag searches of teaching material.

                              2. Virtual reality

                              Virtual reality is a game-changer enabling customers to educate themselves about your company. Plus, VR redefines how your sales reps understand customers, increasing their empathy and enabling them to suggest better solutions to their issues.

                              Fingent recently built a highly interactive visual medium to enable medical students to quickly gain efficiency in stand medical procedures.

                              3. Augmented reality and 3D configuration

                              Augmented reality is considered a boon to improving the digital customer experience. It gives customers a clear picture of your product, helping in quicker purchasing decisions.

                              Fingent helps build interactive mobile apps that enable 3D purchase decisions. It also develops agnostic web solutions for eCommerce to better use AR capabilities.

                              Watch more: Take a look at how Fingent helps leading businesses thrive with 3d Web Configurator and other AR/VR capabilities.

                              Fingent- A Perfect Partner to Create Custom Technology Solutions To Enhance Customer Experience.

                              The impact of technology is a powerful catalyst for change, and the speed of that change is getting faster and faster. Fingent can help you identify technology trends and capitalize before it is too late.

                              You must acknowledge and meet consumer demands for your business to increase market share and stay relevant. Marrying customer service and technology can drive customer delight.

                              Fingent brings you deep expertise in experience strategy and design, harnessing best-in-class solutions. We can help you drive transformation across the customer lifecycle, sales, marketing, and more.

                              Fingent top custom software development company is equipped to provide support across channels. Our quick and easy setup allows you to cut time and lower costs. With the help of AI and automation, we can route your tickets to the right agent and boost customer satisfaction. Find out more about us and chat with our experts to see how this can be done.

                              Stay up to date on what's new

                                About the Author

                                Tony Joseph

                                Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

                                Talk To Our Experts

                                  Web Application Development:
                                  A Detailed Guide for 2022

                                  Web Application is the first line of contact between your customers and business.

                                  What is a Web Application?

                                  A decade ago, web pages were mostly static, with a few images and videos scattered around. In 2005, thanks to Ajax, it made it possible to create better, faster, and more interactive web applications.

                                  A web application, also known as a web app, is nothing but a computer program that uses a web browser to perform a specific function. A web application is a client-server program that comprises a client-side and a server-side. The user enters data through the client-side (front-end), while the server-side (back-end) of the application stores and processes the information. For example, shopping carts, content management systems, and online forms are typical web applications.

                                  Both enterprises and individuals develop web applications to fulfill different purposes. Web apps help integrate the tailored experience of native apps with easy access on a website browser from any device. For example, LinkedIn, Basecamp, MailChimp, or even Facebook, have web apps that provide immersive and tailored experiences like the native apps directly from the browser. Hence, web application development is gaining a lot of popularity in almost all industries, including banking, eCommerce, education, healthcare, and more.

                                  How does a Web Application Work?

                                  Web applications are accessed over a network and need not be downloaded. Instead, users can access web applications through browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
                                  A web application is built around three components- a Web Server, an Application Server, and a Database. The web server manages requests from the client, the application server processes requests, and the database stores the information.

                                  A typical web application workflow looks like this:

                                  Web apps are generally coded using JavaScript, HTML5, or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for the client-side programming (front-end). ASP.NET, PHP, Java, and Ruby are commonly used for server-side programming.

                                  What is Web Application Development?

                                  Web application development refers to the process of using client-side and server-side programming to develop an application that is accessible over the web browser.
                                  The web application development process begins by; first, the developer trying to find a solution to a specific problem, then designing the web app by choosing the appropriate development framework. Next, the developer tests the solution and finally deploys the web app.

                                  Types of Web Applications

                                  Now that we’ve covered the various aspects of web applications let’s deep dive into the different categories of web applications. Web apps are classified based on their functionalities, tools, and technologies.

                                  Web App vs. Websites

                                  Web applications are indeed websites. Users can access both via web browsers, and both require access to the internet. It may seem that there’s no difference between them. However, the lines between a website and a web app are blurred. Web application development differs substantially from website development. Here’s a simplified rundown on the differences between a website and a web application.

                                  Web Application

                                  • A web application is dynamic and is designed for user engagement.
                                  • A web application is interactive and responds to user input.
                                  • Web applications mostly require authentication.
                                  • The functions in a web application are quite higher and more complex.
                                  • The web application needs precompilation before deployment.
                                  • Integration with other software for web applications is complex.


                                  • A website basically contains static content.
                                  • A website is a one-way informational feed and does not allow user interaction.
                                  • Authentication is not obligatory for informational websites.
                                  • The functions of a website are relatively simple.
                                  • A website does not need not be pre-compiled.
                                  • Integration is hassle-free for websites.

                                  Web Apps vs. Mobile Apps

                                  While web apps and mobile apps are similar in many ways, both are different in many ways. Mobile apps are made exclusively for mobile gadgets and are suitable for Android, iOS, and cross-platform operating systems. Usually, mobile apps are mobile-first, meaning they work effectively on smartphones, tablets, or other handheld mobile devices. Most mobile apps work offline too. Examples include Google Maps, Amazon Kindle, Uber, etc.
                                  On the other hand, web apps function only with internet connectivity. A web app functions in real-time in a web browser with CPU resources. With adequate internal storage, mobile apps can be downloaded from the app store or play store.

                                  Benefits of Web Application Development

                                  Web application comes along with an array of benefits for businesses and users.

                                  Speed and cost

                                  Web application development is faster and more economical than building native apps. Therefore, if the primary goal is to accelerate time-to-market, web application development is the best choice for businesses.

                                  Cross-platform capabilities

                                  Web applications are programmed to run on any operating system. Due to their cross-platform capabilities, web applications can adapt well to Android, iOS, Mac OS, and Windows phones. In addition, the device responsiveness of web applications helps to get rid of OS dependencies.

                                  Browser compatibility

                                  A web application runs on the device’s browser using an accessible URL. Modern web applications are compatible with all browsers, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Bing. Hence, software compatibility challenges are never roadblocks.

                                  Reduced operating costs

                                  Web application development is a great way to cut down operating costs. It drives to eliminate unnecessary expenses such as hardware purchases, frequent device updates, and maintenance of numerous systems.

                                  Easy to update

                                  Updating web applications is easy, as only the server(s) would require upgrades.


                                  Custom web application development offers several benefits, such as tailored features for the users. These applications are easily accessible via browsers with a stable internet connection. Custom web apps help cut unnecessary expenses and save time as only required features need to be developed. A custom web app can significantly improve your business traction brand awareness, communicate your brand ideology and help you gain a competitive edge in the chosen target market.

                                  Expanded Security

                                  Web applications are typically deployed on dedicated servers, constantly monitored, and managed by experienced server administrators. This is more effective than monitoring hundreds or even thousands of client computers, as with desktop applications. In addition, it ensures tighter security and identifies any potential breaches that could slip off.

                                  Zero downloads

                                  Web apps don’t need to be downloaded from app stores such as Apple’s App Store or Google Play. This helps save money since having a direct link through a web app is free.

                                  Technology Stack for Web Application Development

                                  The following web development technologies enable the creation of high-performing, fast, and advanced web applications.

                                  Web Application Development Process

                                  Whether you decide to develop your web application in-house team or outsource to a company like Fingent, your project will be more successful if you understand the process involved in web application development in advance.

                                  The number of steps in the web application development process can vary.


                                  The first step is to define the problem you want to solve with a web application and collect all the relevant information needed for app development. A well-defined problem will give an excellent head-start to the project and help you identify the best solution. Next, clarify the purpose and the end goals of the application.

                                  During the planning phase, the developers will take a run to answer the following questions.

                                  • What app do you want to build?
                                  • What features and functions should it include?
                                  • What is the audience of your product?
                                  Prototype & Development

                                  The development phase involves creating a wireframe or prototype to communicate the solution to target users.

                                  First, the developers will lay out the design elements to provide a delightful user experience to the target audience. The wireframe is then presented to potential users, considers their feedback, and iterates until they're satisfied.

                                  Post-design, the next step is to build the application. The following steps will happen in this phase.

                                  • To create a database for storage, the developers need to determine what data and data types are required for the application to perform well.
                                  • Based on the elements approved by the users during the wireframing process, developers will create the front-end application. The developers need to identify the best frameworks for front-end development.
                                  • Developers will create interaction between the user and the server.
                                  • Developers either code from scratch or use front-end and back-end frameworks to develop the web app.
                                  • Based on the application type, that is, client-side/ server-side/ single-page, programming is done.
                                  Test and Implement

                                  Whether an automated or manual web application, testing for the web application is an ongoing process throughout the software development lifecycle. Testing is an inevitable part of the software development process.

                                  The Testing (QA) team will test the app for usability, compatibility, functionality, security, and performance to eliminate bugs and ensure that the application works without any glitches.Testing also helps identify any possible improvements and upgrades to make in the future.Once the testing is complete, you can finally implement the application in your company or your customer's side.

                                  When using it for your company, you will have to train your employees to use the app productively (if the app requires training). In addition, you will have to create a communication strategy for customers and decide on the appropriate timing to launch the application in the market.

                                  At Fingent, we help you perform all the mandatory software and usability testing to ensure that your web app functions seamlessly. We also provide training and support to use the apps effectively.

                                  Hosting and Maintenance

                                  You must buy a domain and choose a hosting provider to create a server location for the app. We help you choose shared hosting, dedicated hosting, or cloud hosting based on your requirements. Be it a simple website or complex web application, and every digital product needs routine checks and enhancements. Maintenance of the application or website includes:

                                  • Ongoing QA testing
                                  • Bug fixes and improvements
                                  • Addressing changes and adding features based on user feedback
                                  • Providing regular updates and technical support

                                  Web Application Development Validation And Deployment

                                  Once your web app is developed and ready to be launched, it is critical to perform testing to ensure that the application functions correctly before its deployment. Bug fixing alone is not sufficient. Therefore, testing is vital to web application development.
                                  A standard web application undergoes the following testing,
                                  After completing the quality assurance process, your web app is ready for launch. You can use GitHub, Beanstalk App, and Bitbucket App to deploy the web app to your servers. Any new features, changes, and improvements to the deployed application are implemented according to the user’s feedback.

                                  Web Development Trends for 2022

                                  Web development has progressed over the years and is progressing with the emergence of newer technologies. A website is the face of a business rather than mere codes. More than one-third of visitors prefer to hold on to websites with attractive content and a clean layout. In 2022, companies are more than ready to apply the latest web development trends to improve conversions and develop engaging websites without having to code. If you want to stay ahead, it is vital to focus on the latest trends, updates, techniques, and web development approaches. Why developers should bring out more innovative web development approaches- the fact is it boosts business growth rather exponentially and globally.

                                  Apps For Multiple Domains With .NET Core

                                  .NET Core gives you consistency across all architectures by running your code with the same behavior. Be it gaming, IoT, mobile, or AI – we can help you develop high-performing, secure, cost-effective, and flexible applications in any domain with .NET Core. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Building Exceptional Apps With C#

                                  C# is a highly versatile programming language commonly used for developing websites, Windows applications, and games. With its foundation deep-rooted in the Microsoft platform, C# is one of the most-cherished and reliable languages to build robust applications. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Enterprise Web Applications With ASP.NET

                                  ASP.NET is a framework for building web apps and services with .NET and C#. ASP.NET allows you to build large and complex applications by reducing the amount of code required. This, in turn, reduces the application development time and costs involved. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

                                  Take advantage of the cloud through hybrid cloud-based solutions with Microsoft Azure. We can help you migrate your solution to the cloud, enabling you with on-demand and secure resources of Azure. Scale according to your needs and improve your business agility. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Enhance Collaboration With SharePoint Development

                                  Fingent’s Microsoft team can help you develop robust SharePoint solutions that empower your organization with efficient collaboration and communication. We can help you build intuitive interfaces and simple navigation features for effective document management. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Streamline Processes With PowerApps

                                  Microsoft Power Apps enables you to build low-code, professional-grade apps that can modernize your business processes and drive innovation across your organization. Infuse your enterprise apps with AI and automation, powered by PowerApps. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Business Analytics Service Using Power BI

                                  Leveraging Microsoft Power BI, we enable businesses to develop interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities through simple and intuitive interfaces. Enrich your business as well as end-users with custom reports and dashboards powered by insightful data. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

                                  By leveraging UWP API, we help you create universal apps that run on Windows 10 compatible devices without the need to be re-written for each. As the name suggests, the Universal Windows Platform allows you to create apps that run on multiple types of devices. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

                                  Using WPF, we incorporate visually stunning user experiences into your Windows desktop applications that include features like rich user interface, media, complex business models, animation, effects, styles, templates, controls, data binding, and so on. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Business Intelligence With SQL Server

                                  Our expertise with Microsoft data platforms can empower you with real-time data for improved decision-making. Our Microsoft capabilities can help in uniting several disparate information sources and create reports from across varied systems and databases. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  Highly Responsive Applications With Cosmos DB

                                  We help you develop highly responsive and highly available applications on Cosmos DB using the popular open source software APIs. Experience low latency, high throughput, real-time responses, and tunable consistency with this multi-model, NoSQL database service. Let’s Discuss Your Project

                                  The Future of Web Application Development

                                  The web development industry is in flux and is constantly evolving. Therefore, it is paramount for us always to look ahead and learn about what's coming up or any risk being left in the web development dust. Web development is defined through the upcoming trends and changes in the digital world. Businesses around the globe are in a quest to build outstanding websites to up their online presence with all-new frameworks, tools, and advancements. If you want your business to stay ahead of the race, the smartest thing u can do is to try out innovative and experimental things like Augmented Reality (AR) or Artificial Intelligence. Here's a quick glance at some of the exciting developments likely to happen in the near future.

                                  Smarter Apps with Data Science

                                  Data Science is impacting web development positively. Data science helps extract significant user information on a large scale using statistics, analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Using the extraction of meaningful information, web development is now guided into a more fruitful system to impact the business's bottom line. With data science and machine learning, you can target the right customers with personalized content at the right time within your application.

                                  Augmented Reality

                                  Product visualization is the most sought-after requirement among today's customers. Augmented reality has the potential to change the shopping game. Most online shoppers prefer shopping sites to integrate some form of augmented reality for a personalized experience. AR experiences in different ways are the key for customers to become more engaged in various platforms and the digital world overall. The future is not too far, where AR experiences will move into the mainstream and cease to be viewed as a niche technology.

                                  Pageless Websites

                                  Pageless website is a new-age concept that takes an alternative choice on web design. The entire contents of a website are displayed on a single page with an endless scroll instead of having multiple pages. With responsive elements, guided narrative, and intuitive scrolling, users can surf the entire contents of the website with ease.


                                  The Metaverse is the new kid on the block that seeks to bring together many different technologies to offer users a new web experience. Today, users view content on the web. But on the Metaverse, users will be immersed in the content. Thanks to technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, and other forms of Artificial Intelligence. Metaverse is the next iteration of the internet where users can navigate through a virtual space instead of the current two-dimensional screen.

                                  Cost of Web Application Development

                                  The cost of a complicated and custom web application development process would again differ from pre-defined, packaged, and general-purpose applications. For example, suppose the app requires developing APIs and plugins or complex technical stacks, separate UX/UI elements, brand identity development, etc. In that case, the pricing will go up as the advantages are humongous.

                                  Numerous factors influences the cost of web application development. As no two apps are the same, the price will vary, based on:
                                  • Features and functionality of the web application
                                  • Complexity of the application
                                  • Phase-wise development plan
                                  • Development team size
                                  • Platforms selected to develop the app
                                  • Technology stacks selected
                                  • Estimated project timelines
                                  Team Size
                                  Level of complexity

                                  Top 5 Web Apps that Revolutionized the World

                                  A polished web app is almost a mandate for successful digital businesses today. Many apps have changed the public's perception of what they can expect and what is possible. It includes everything a typical user might look for in an app regarding design, usability, reliability, and security. Here's a rundown on five apps that has made a difference to the world.


                                  Facebook is a free social networking website that allows people to connect with others online. It lets users share photographs, post comments, post links to interesting content on the web, live chat, and watch videos. Facebook's success is attributed to its ability to appeal to both people and businesses and its ability to interact with websites around the web by providing a single login that works across multiple sites.


                                  WhatsApp is a free, multi-platform messaging app that lets users make video and voice calls, send text messages, share their status, and make payments, all with just an internet connection. The most appealing feature of this app is that it works on various phones and computer operating systems, which bestows uninterrupted conversations anytime, anywhere. WhatsApp serves more than 2 billion people in over 180 countries, with over a billion daily active users.


                                  Uber is a transportation company that has developed an app to allow passengers to hail a ride, and drivers get paid. The app integrates with Google maps for tracking locations, routes and directing people to their destination. Uber uses smartphone app technology to connect passengers and drivers via a car-for-hire method. Most people love the simplicity of opening the app, telling where they want to go, and then seeing an Uber driver show up in a matter of minutes.


                                  Instagram is a free, popular photo-sharing app that Facebook acquired in 2012. It allows users to edit and upload photos and short videos through a mobile app. Like other social networking platforms, Instagram users can like, comment, share and bookmark others' posts. It also includes a feature of private chats and video conferencing with friends.


                                  TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create and share short videos. A young crowd commonly uses the app as an outlet to express themselves through singing, dancing, comics, and lip-syncing, making fun videos and sharing them across a community. In addition, users can follow other users, like, and comment on other users' videos. TikTok app quickly soared to popularity and amassed over 500 million monthly active users, the US being the most popular country where it is downloaded over 80 million times.

                                  What Can A Web Application Do for Your Business?

                                  With the internet being commonplace for most modern-day businesses, web applications are a quintessential tool for better growth in their market share. If you need to bring your company or business before the right users, the secret is to be found online with a creative and engaging web application. Web applications are of paramount importance than official websites when it comes to winning business goals and generating profits. Let’s explain the different areas a web application can help your business.
                                  First Point of Engagement

                                  A web application is the first point of access to your business and brand for your customers. Your app is the place that reflects what you do, your services, products, and your reputation. You can stand out from your competitors by having a web application that looks interesting and clearly communicates quality information to your customers. Therefore, hiring a professional web application development company is judicious to understand your vision and shape the application accordingly.

                                  A company or business without a web app or website may question the legitimacy of the business. So, having an app is an opportunity to build a great first impression and give people assurance that you’re a genuine business.

                                  Boost Online Brand Visibility

                                  Web applications play a crucial role in the branding process of a business. Showcasing your brand to your prospective customers is the key to positioning your business in the market. A web application is an underlying framework for branding your products or services because branding acts as the bridge to maintain a proper communication channel between potential customers and your business.

                                  Clearly conveying to the customers who you are, what you provide, and what your brand represents raises your business popularity coupled with building a customer base. A web application is your brand's voice that reaches out to the world through multiple social media platforms.

                                  Improve Customer Loyalty

                                  Your app is one of the most powerful assets for helping business owners improve customer relationships and increase efficiency. In addition to showcasing your offering or describing who you are, your application is one of the key tools for connecting with your existing customers and keeping them engaged. In order to create customer loyalty, you need to give your customers a reason to return.

                                  Web applications come in handy with a lot of scopes to build customer loyalty programs to win customers’ hearts. Even simple changes to your app can go a long way toward building your brand and encouraging more customers to use your app frequently. Your application can be the key to increasing customer loyalty, a critical piece of the puzzle.

                                  Easily Customizable and Scalable

                                  As your business expands, your web applications need upgrades. Off-the-shelf applications are neither flexible nor scalable, limiting their capabilities. Custom web applications are developed specifically to suit your business requirements. It is completely scalable and flexible, harmonizing with your business growth and demands. Custom applications grow with your business without any hassles of switching to new applications or extra license purchases. Moreover, the advent of cloud-native apps further enhances the flexibility and scalability of applications by adding more value to the business.

                                  Enhanced Customer Support

                                  The prompt and user-friendly customer support offered by web applications becomes more approachable and less intimidating for customers. So, the users of the app feel more comfortable with the company and are likely to stick on for a long time.

                                  Web apps help to create an engaging space for customers to interact with brands and provide a dedicated space to track and manage all the customer support queries. The beauty of web applications is that they can be accessed at any time from any location. Hence, providing any customer assistance is never an obstacle.

                                  Why develop your Web Application with Fingent?

                                  Web application development is a mandate for your organization to lead the digital space and reach out to more customers in the future. Fingent provides a wide array of software development services from software customization to building Web, Mobile, Enterprise, and Cloud applications across various industries.

                                  Fingent is a high-end custom software development company that has been helping businesses -small and large- across the globe with innovative solutions. We help build your brand, increase your brand identity, promote your products and services to help you gain a competitive advantage.

                                  Explore our range of services.

                                  Our web application development services are specifically designed to help you meet your goals, considering your business infrastructure and key facets of your industry.


                                  Years of Experience


                                  Centers of Excellence (CoE)


                                  Completed Projects

                                  Transparent Project Management


                                  Qualified Professionals

                                  Dedicated QA Practices

                                  Most Common Q&As on Web Development

                                  While both are good at their place, most people prefer the single-page website. This is because a single-page website offers ease of interaction and access compared to a Multi-page website.
                                  If your business has a lot to do with queries and solutions or customer interactions, it is recommended you get a chat window.
                                  For quality web application development, you should include both to help you avail more benefits. A combination of frameworks and pure codes will work as it will take less time and ensure quality development.

                                  Some of the renowned web app development technologies are:

                                  • Models:
                                      HTML, XSL, XML
                                  • Animation:   AJAX, Flash, jQuery UI, ActionScript, JavaScript
                                  • Databases:   MS SQL, MySQL, Microsoft Access, SQLite, Oracle, PostgreSQL
                                  • CMS:   WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Kentico, Sitecore, Sitefinity, Sanity
                                  • Programming:   C#, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, ASP.NET+MVC, Python, Ruby, Django, Go
                                  • Payment Systems:   PayPal, Assist, MoneyBookers, SMS, OSMP
                                  The choice to outsource or hire in-house solely depends on your specific business situation.

                                  Hiring an in-house developer will ensure that you have complete control over the entire development process, which is definitely great for some businesses. But it also calls for long preparation time and extra expenses. On the contrary, outsourcing cuts down costs and avoids hiring new employees altogether – which can be very useful if you are short of time or money.

                                  If your outsourcing partner is a reputable and experienced agency, you can rest assured that they will care for all your web development needs without sacrificing quality.

                                  Get Latest Insights on Web Application Development

                                  Top Technologies Used to Develop Mobile App

                                  Progressive Web App Development: 10 Benefits – Fingent

                                  How Mobile and Web Apps Increase Customer Engagement

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                                    About the Author

                                    Vedavyas Shenoy

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                                      Healthcare is a vast customer service industry that is trying to improve patient health and healthcare processes. This patient-centric approach has evolved, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual consultations and telemedicine practices have increased rapidly in the last two years. A report by PwC on global healthcare trends reports, 91% of consumers who used virtual clinical care in the past would do so in the future. Additionally, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows an increase of 154% in the use of telehealth in March 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.
                                      As patients are demanding much more streamlined and seamless access to healthcare, most organizations are trying to get rid of old conventional systems that limit performance. Today, patients seek personalized treatment. That’s where custom-made software comes into the picture.
                                      Read more: Is Augmented Reality the future of HealthCare?
                                      Augmented Reality in healthcare
                                      Custom software is built to cater to the specific needs of the users. They intend to solve unique challenges. Emerging technologies have proved an immense benefit to the healthcare sector. When these technologies are integrated together they bring various benefits to doctors, patients, medical organizations, and the entire healthcare industry.
                                      A few commonly known custom software solutions for healthcare are:

                                      • Electronic Health Record (EHR)
                                      • Hospital Management Systems
                                      • Telemedicine
                                      • Electronic Prescriptions System
                                      • Appointment Scheduling
                                      • Medical Equipment Management
                                      • Medical Research

                                      In this blog, we will further dig into how custom-made software provides superior customer service in the healthcare industry.

                                      How is custom-made software boosting patient care?

                                      1. Improved personalized patient services

                                      Data-driven patient services are adding value to patient care. Data that is recorded, transmitted, and easily available is helping improve doctor-patient interactions. This allows healthcare organizations to personalize their patient services. Additionally, they can manage their interactions with thousands of patients without the need for administrative overhead.

                                      2. Improved communication and organization

                                      With custom-made software, different departments can communicate easily and improve the organizational culture of hospitals. Departments can share information without the need for manual entries and documentation. Also, patients can visit any department without carrying any document along as the information is already available electronically with the hospital.

                                      3. Improved growth

                                      Custom software digitally transforms the traditional medical record maintenance system and makes it paper-free. The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) can store data of thousands of patients securely host on the cloud. This decreases operating costs and eventually increases the ROI. Thus, custom software plays a pivotal role in improving business growth.

                                      4. Integrated system

                                      Custom-made software integrates different workflows that your organization requires daily. Custom software can synchronize several simple and complex processes such as finance, OPD, human resources, etc., in a single place. This helps reduce workplace stress and allows healthcare providers to invest more time in patient care.
                                      Read more: Choosing Prescriptive Analytics over Predictive Analytics in Healthcare!

                                      Why is Customer Service a priority in Healthcare?

                                      Health issues can be stressful emotionally as well as financially. When engaging with healthcare organizations, most patients expect personal care in addition to the treatment. Thus, the more personalized the care, treatment, and engagement with patients, the more likely it is to have happy customers.

                                      How can custom-made software improve customer service?

                                      1. Scheduling appointments

                                      Using custom-made software, healthcare organizations can improve the scheduling experience by reducing wait times and the time taken to capture patient data. It can also help provide appointment confirmations and reminders via text message or email prior to the appointment.
                                      Booking appointments is the most elementary feature in most healthcare apps.

                                      2. Service delivery experience

                                      Custom-made software can provide healthcare practitioners with complete access to patient records health history along with diagnostic tools and systems. In addition, healthcare practitioners can use digital tools to record treatment notes, patient recommendations, queries, and diagnosis notes while interacting with the patient. This helps provide patients with tailor-made experiences and improve customer service in general.

                                      3. Post-appointment follow-up

                                      Healthcare practitioners can use auto-trigger feedback forms that allow patients to rate their experience, which will enable them to measure patient satisfaction. Doing so will improve customer engagement and foster a long-term relationship with patients.
                                      Read more: Custom Healthcare Software Development: Why Is It Better To Outsource It?
                                      Custom healthcare software development

                                      How Fingent can help your healthcare organization improve patient care?

                                      Whether your healthcare business is small or big, a custom healthcare solution is the only way to move ahead in the game and ensure quality and effective patient care services. Fingent is a trusted partner and has been proving efficiency in custom-made healthcare solutions for years. Here are some of Fingent’s success stories in enabling healthcare organizations to drive unique and streamlined customer experiences.

                                      #1 A Custom Solution To Simplify Patient Care

                                      Miscommunication between doctors, patients, and healthcare providers can turn life-threatening. That’s why it’s highly imperative that communications are streamlined. Although this itself could be a challenge!
                                      That’s why Fingent helped develop a simplified patient-care solution, Encourage, that promotes effective communications amongst the various players in the healthcare ecosystem. A doctor can keep track of patients’ progress, assign tasks, and set reminders and care plans, as part of the patients’ profile. Patients can also get involved and also add selected caretakers to the care plan. The solution not just helps streamline communication, but also helps improve patient engagement and allows to better educate patients and families on various treatments.
                                      Know more on how Encourage turned an apt custom software solution for simplified patient care!

                                      #2 Healthcare Service Platform

                                      Providing the right healthcare guidance, knowledge, or tools to the patients or their families can be time-consuming. Plus, it’s also imperative that the information shared is confidential and extremely accurate.
                                      To streamline and solve such challenges in patient engagement and collaboration, Fingent helped develop an online platform, NovitaCare, that helps engage patients, providers, researchers, and NGOs to collaborate online and facilitate quality care. The solution equips many early-stage healthcare start-ups to streamline their workflow, improve patient-caregiver and caregiver-patient interactions, eliminate wastage, improve accountability and raise patient care quality.
                                      Learn more on how NovitaCare turned into a top-notch solution for healthcare patient management.

                                      #3 Improving Visibility on Hospital Performances with Data Visualization

                                      It is vital for patients to choose the best hospitals and healthcare centers based on their performances. NHS wanted to create a platform that streamlined this search with metrics that compared hospital performances to showcase the best and those with good success rates.
                                      Fingent designed an application that utilized data inputs from NHS to create interactive visuals and graphs to compare hospital performances. The solution drills down the minute of details to analyze hospitals across various parameters to deliver financial, clinical, and geographical insights, highlighting key performance issues and indicators.
                                      Read more on how NHS used Fingent’s data visualization capabilities to identify the best-performing healthcare centers.

                                      #4 Cutting-edge Web Application for Health Insurance Decision-makers

                                      In partnership with Casenet’s ASG, Fingent helped simplify TruCare Insights, a nimble PHM platform that aids healthcare payer organizations.
                                      Casenet’s Advanced solution group wanted to create an application that provides action-oriented dashboards and management ease to healthcare payer organizations. The platform, TrueCare did not provide integrated reporting options, and maintaining reports and reconciling them required excessive manual labor. Thus, Fingent helped the team build a highly scalable web application, with best-in-class UI/UX design, to seamlessly integrate the complex workflows of TrueCare, and manage 10 mn+ data records using custom filters.
                                      Know more on how helping Casenet simplify their platform TrueCare streamlined their workflow and management!
                                      Using our proven strategies, Fingent has helped many healthcare organizations and non-profit healthcare sectors boost performance and bring innovative ideas to life. Our experts help provide external perspective, agility, and understanding needed for real innovations. With us, you can get access to skilled software development professionals and all the ancillary roles to develop technology solutions that are apt and unique to your challenges. Additionally, we provide the best-in-class support during and after custom software development.
                                      To know more about how we can help you deploy the top technologies for improved healthcare services, connect with us today!

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                                        About the Author

                                        Vinod Saratchandran

                                        Vinod has conceptualized and delivered niche mobility products that cater to various domains including logistics, media & non-profits. He leads, mentors & coaches a team of Project Coordinators & Analysts at Fingent.

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