MUSA: Fingent’s AI-powered Virtual Assistant Helps Employees With HR & DevOps Queries

AI-based HR chatbot minimizes the workplace struggles of our PeopleOps team and improves their focus on core operations



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New York, US

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Software Development Services

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React JS, IBM Watson, Odoo ERP, PostGRES DB

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We realized that our PeopleOps team can minimize their workplace struggles using an AI-powered virtual assistant. We wanted to automate FAQs and improve the HR team’s ability to handle more complex questions and circumstances.

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Our HR Team was pressed to transform their service delivery model. They were spending a lot of time on routine, repetitive, and transactional tasks at the expense of more strategic activities. This increased their frustration due to overwork, inefficacy, and low morale.

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MUSA has improved our HR team’s response time and has minimized their workload considerably. The Virtual Assistant provides instant and accurate responses to common queries, and shares analytics and reports needed for crucial evaluations.

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